Friends Helping Friends

Flexible hourly care tailored to each individual’s unique needs. Reasonable Rates. Compassionate help for you or your loved one.

Summer 2024 Special: Your 2nd Visit is Free!

Companionship, light housekeeping, shopping, errands, transportation to doctor and other appointments, laundry, simple meal preparation, assistance with walking, medication reminders, and more. Service is currently limited to the Norfolk Nebraska area. We are expanding to Columbus and other areas soon!

Compassionate Senior Care

Providing flexible assistance and companionship for seniors tailored to individual needs and preferences.

Personalized Care Plans
woman in brown button up shirt holding white smartphone
woman in brown button up shirt holding white smartphone

Services customized to fit individual needs, ensuring comfort and support for seniors daily.

woman in blue button-down shirt smiling in front of camera
woman in blue button-down shirt smiling in front of camera
two people sitting on pavement facing on body of water
two people sitting on pavement facing on body of water
Reliable Transportation Help

Offering safe and dependable transportation to appointments, errands, and social engagements for seniors.

Light Housekeeping Services

Assisting with housekeeping tasks to maintain a clean and comfortable living environment.

The care and companionship provided has truly made a difference in my loved one’s life.

Sara L.

selective focus photo of woman with sunglasses
selective focus photo of woman with sunglasses


Exceptional service, so much better than those big national companies!


Phil L.